Jazz in San Francisco: 历史和在哪里可以听到它 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


贝博体彩app有着悠久的爵士乐历史. Learn about our history and where to find it now, from festivals to clubs and bars.

就像20世纪60年代的花童推动了贝博体彩app的音乐 摇滚,数以万计 非裔美国人 who came to the Bay Area in the 1940s to work in military shipyards amplified the audience for 爵士乐 and blues in all their forms. 菲尔莫尔街开设了俱乐部, 金宝著名的下班后Bop City茶室在哪, 在其他地方, 整个50年代都很繁荣. 埃塔·詹姆斯在这里获得了她的第一个重大突破, 和乐队领队约翰尼·奥蒂斯一起演唱.

Much has been written about the historic 爵士乐 clubs from the 1950s and 60s — Jazz Workshop, 黑鹰, 盆地街西, Todd Barkan’s Keystone Korner—and the classic 爵士乐 albums recorded in the city, 包括塞隆尼斯·蒙克1959年的专辑 独自一人在贝博体彩app, 1961年迈尔斯·戴维斯的专辑 星期五和星期六晚上在黑鹰, 完整的艾灵顿公爵的 圣乐音乐会 at 格雷斯大教堂 从1965年开始.

San Francisco always honors its 爵士乐 and blues history while listening for what will push the 音乐 forward. 的 city also continues to celebrate 爵士乐 and blues as an art form that is best 经验d live and in the moment. 


San Francisco offers 现场爵士乐 and blues each and every 晚上 of the week in various settings. See international artists in state-of-the-art auditoriums or local artists in historic 鸡尾酒 lounges, 独特的潜水酒吧, 标志性的餐馆, 现代艺术画廊, 还有人迹罕至的唱片店和书店. Additionally, there are numerous 爵士音乐节 throughout the Bay Area during warmer months.


Check out these annual 爵士乐 festivals that happen in San Francisco and across the Bay Area:

鸟 & 贝克特图书记录


Named for legendary saxophonist Charlie “鸟” Parker and Irish novelist Samuel 贝克特, 鸟 & 贝克特 in Glen Park is a true neighborhood hotspot that features weekly 爵士乐 concerts, 让你同时听到和阅读爵士乐.



Named in honor of cornetist Bix Beiderbecke and located off an alley near Jackson Square, BIX has been described as a civilized speakeasy, a supper club, and an elegant saloon, offering modern 美国烹饪 在一间高耸的两层餐厅里,品尝着 现场爵士乐 每晚.




复古晚餐俱乐部的现代风格, 黑色的猫 is located in the heart of San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood, the historic 艺术 和娱乐区曾经是传说的家园 爵士乐 比如黑鹰酒吧. 的 downstairs 音乐 space features live 音乐 每晚 from a wide variety of local and touring artists.

Boom Boom Room


Boom Boom房间 举办本地和国际蓝调, 恐慌,乐队,还有 一切 在这两者之间. 一个以演出而闻名的地方一直持续到深夜 晚上, 欢迎在其他场地完成演出的艺术家, the Boom Boom Room is a laid-back venue that attracts a younger crowd looking to 跳舞 漫漫长夜.



In 北海滩, 康斯托克 是禁酒令之前 鸡尾酒吧 经验. 乐师们高高站在吧台上, you can hear 现场爵士乐 每晚 as you sip specialty 鸡尾酒s along the 20-foot mahogany bar from 1907.



的 酒店日兴 in 联合广场 同名的房子 范斯坦的. 由美国歌本大使创立, 迈克尔·范斯坦, 范斯坦在日光剧院为顶级百老汇艺术家颁奖, 夜总会歌手, 以及当今最优秀的《贝博体彩》的诠释者.


KCSM is one of the few 24-hour non-commercial 爵士乐 radio stations in the country. So, before you pack your bags to visit the Bay Area and once you return home, tune into KCSM / 91.1在线 to hear what is happening when you are in town and what you're missing after you have left your heart in San Francisco.

Keys Jazz小酒馆 


位于香港的历史地点 北海滩 that 服务 up dinner and hosts Bay Area Jazz artists, as well as their peers from far and wide. This secular church to 爵士乐 is where artists and listeners connect in the moment and celebrate this original American art from. 



几个街区外 联合广场, Le殖民 服务 左派人士越南 背景下的烹饪 现场爵士乐, 星期一至星期五, 以姜戈·莱因哈特乐队的音乐为特色, 乐爵士热, 还有拉维·史密斯性感的灵魂之声 & 她的红热煎锅舔器.



一个不断变化的艺术画廊, 马德里呈现当地的放克, 爵士乐, and brass bands that play 一切 from James Brown to Brazilian samba. 音乐经常把酒吧变成 舞会.

Mr. Tipple的录音室


费尔街的一个隐居处 Mr. 酒的 presents 现场爵士乐 每晚 alongside inventive 鸡尾酒s in a dark and sophisticated space.

噪音-黑胶唱片 & 原始艺术 


远离人迹罕至的小路 外里士满 离兰兹角只有几个街区, saxophonist Danny Brown and his family operate one of the city’s best record stores and art galleries that features 现场爵士乐 以及每周日下午的即兴表演.



码头23咖啡厅 一个历史悠久的餐厅和酒吧就在 内河码头 和贝博体彩app湾. 以新鲜的海鲜而闻名, 独特的鸡尾酒, 还有海湾景色, 23号码头每晚都有当地爵士和蓝调艺术家的现场音乐, 拉丁爵士乐队和新奥尔良风格的乐队.



位于 任务的区, 皇家杜鹃管风琴厅 is a kitschy bar that is both swanky and divey in just the right proportions. 它的特点是哈蒙德B-3风琴, 由当地最好的管风琴手演奏, 还有大量的唱片收藏. 你可以从图书卡目录系统中请求歌曲.



它于1861年开放,至今仍在 一个经典的蓝调和豪饮酒吧. 有些时候,像博兹·斯卡格斯这样的人, 史蒂夫•米勒, 贾尼斯·乔普林和约翰·希波莱纳在这里表演了一整晚, 偶尔也会有迟到的人加入 纪事报 专栏作家Herb Caen击鼓. 



屡获殊荣的 SFJAZZ 中心开业于 海斯谷 拥有700个座位的Robert N. Miner Auditorium and the 100-seat Joe Henderson Lab, showcasing the biggest names in international 音乐 也是贝博体彩app湾区最好的 当地的爵士乐. 享受一场表演和一个 鸡尾酒 在B-Side, SFJAZZ中心的休息室.



位于 菲尔莫区, 谢巴钢琴酒廊 is an intimate bar and lounge where you can enjoy live 音乐 每晚 to go with some of the area’s best 衣索比亚菜.

A woman plays the violin in front of the Tony Bennett statue at the 费尔蒙特酒店.


Tony Bennett was beloved around the world for his 爵士乐 records; but no city celebrated him more than San Francisco. 毕竟,它是在这里 费尔蒙特酒店 on 头山 in 1961 where Bennett first sang "I Left My Heart in San Francisco". 现在, Benentt is commemorated with a statue and even a memorial cable car that still "climbs halfway to the stars".


Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 10 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过8个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique 经验 and good food too! 
